Sunday, March 7, 2010

3 Steps to develop your own film: Part Three

Major Step 3: Printing in the darkroom

A. Print a contact sheet using an enlarging machine to display your
negatives onto light sensitive paper.

B: From the contact sheet you can determine which negatives you want to
print and the proper aperture and length of light exposure will work
for a final print.

C. Once light sensitive paper has been expose to light you then take your
print to soak in another series of chemicals listed below.

*Developer (here you watch your image appear)
*Stop (place image in the stop bath to stop the developing)
*Rinse (just a continuously flowing water rinse)

D. Finally you can go and set your photo on a drying rack and leave
to dry for at least 24 hours. Once it is dry you can use a pressing
machine to flatten the photo and then it is yours!

So many steps right?? Yes but I found myself wanting to start the whole process over again after the first time because I had fun and had something to show after all that work. If you ever get the chance to develop and print your own photos I recommend the experience 100%.

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