Sunday, January 24, 2010

Multitasking emac 2322

For class we were given the assignment to read an article and listen to two audio clips and report back how well we were able to focus while reading/listening. Here's my outcome.

First: Written Article "Attention Literacy." by Howard Rheingold

I decided to read this article on the computer rather than printing it out because it was short enough to read online without being distracted. Or so I thought.. While I was reading I had the TV on with low volume and my roommate would come in and out of my room to talk to me. In the middle of the article there was a link to a related video and I clicked on it as soon as I saw it rather than finishing the reading and going back so the article itself was kind of a distraction. I made myself read aloud the rest and got through it quickly.

Second and Third: "Attention: The *Real* Aphrodisiac." and "Bad at Multitasking? Blame Your Brain."

I listened to both of these also while in my room with the TV on low. Since these were strictly audio files there was nothing to look at and it was much more tempting to watch the TV and get on Flickr/Tumblr which I did. If anyone can listen to both of these without multitasking I would be impressed!


  1. Great, quick intro to your post. I love your idea to read out loud. I often have to do that when I am reading something and my mind is wandering... and I would also be very impressed if anyone could listen to both audio segments without looking at anything. I was browsing Wordpress themes while I listened! I couldn't have watched TV, though.

  2. Attention is not just about multitasking and how much thought you put into something. Attention is also where you choose to place your mind, your eyeballs . . . your attention . . . while on the Internet. There is a movement on the Web regarding the so-called Attention Economy, including economic models that reward people for their attention. The Economics of Attention by Richard Lanham is worth perusing, if interested in the subject.
