Monday, May 3, 2010

Another View

This photo has a fun story to it :) It's 3 days before Christmas Day and my family is in the Uplander driving to the Houston airport. We pulled out of our driveway in Huntsville not as early as we should have but still in enough time to get there and have about an hour and a half before our flight. All is looking well until we get about 20 minutes down the road and have to brake to a complete stop. The seven letter word we all hate: traffic. Bumper to bumper traffic a good hour from the airport. We sit for awhile thinking surely it will clear up in a few minutes. We were wrong and ended up sitting/semi-crawling if you could call it that for 45 minutes. Needless to say my mom was speeding once we finally were able to move again and we screeched into the airport drop off with 30 minutes till departure, hastily said good bye to my dad and raced into the airport to check in. We were all sweating bullets in line just knowing we were going to miss our flight. Somehow we made it up to the counter checked in our baggage and got our tickets. I remember a weight being lifted off my shoulders and rushing with my mom and sister to the terminal and then turning the corner and having the weight thrown right back on. We were stopped by a line the length of a worthwhile amusement park ride of people waiting to pass through security. We had failed.

With absolutely no way to make our flight and being 3 days away from Christmas being at my grandmas house all we could do was sit down and stare at each other. My mom was distraught and went to talk to the women who had given us our tickets.

After an epic battle against time and crowds we finally could all relax. My mom was able to trade in our tickets for a new flight the next morning at 6:30 a.m. for no extra cost since we had redeemed our other tickets before the flight departed! We decided to play it safe and stay at a hotel close by that offered a shuttle ride to the airport in the morning. That next morning we got to our terminal in plenty of time to board the plane to Chicago, Illinois. Our adventure was not quite over here though. Since we had to change our flight around we had to fly to Chicago and then to Knoxville, TN and THEN drive the 2 & 1/2 hours to my grandparents house in Sylva, North Carolina. It was a crazy adventure trying to get there but of course worth it.

This photo is from the airplane window overlooking Chicago :)

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