Saturday, May 1, 2010

Film: Park

Film is my new obsession. I love shooting, developing and printing it. Below are my personal pros and cons to each of these three processes.

Pros: 1. You can purchase film to be either color or black and white.
2. You get to load and unload the film into your camera yourself.

Cons: 1. You have no way of knowing what you actually captured until the film is developed.
2. If you loaded your film incorrectly into your camera then you could shoot a whole roll and have nothing show up as a result.

Pros: 1. Going through the process. From rolling the film onto the developing
reels to pouring the various chemicals to develop the film is a very
cool experience.
2. Getting to see the developed negatives after the processing and seeing
what you captured.

Cons: 1. If you develop your film with the wrong temperature developer you can ruin your entire roll. There's nothing like shooting and developing a whole roll only to see a blank stream of negatives.
2. Light. If your film is exposed to any light all of your images will be

Pros: 1. You can determine the size of the image you want to print to take up the entire sheet of paper or to be smaller and leave a border in order to frame it.
2. Once you find the right settings on the enlarging machine to produce a
good print from your negative you can make as many copies as you want and
they will come out identical.

Cons: 1. Finding the right settings, how much light and how long that amount of light should be exposed to the light sensitive paper, is a pain. I always have to cut test strips of paper to find the right balance before I print
a full size image.
2. Again with the light, if you're paper is exposed to light it is ruined.

You can see more of my film prints on my flickr :)

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